MultiMusicMovieMaker merge multiple QuickTime 2.0 music movie into one.
At this time there is only one reason. Make 'Music' file for Marathon Demo!
Just drop a bunch of music movies onto the icon. Then use ResEdit (or similar utility) to change type/creator of the resulted movie file to type = 'msik', creator = '26.2'.
I will write a MultiMusicMoviePlayer sometime.
System Requirements
• System 7 or later.
• QuickTime 2.0 or later.
Special Thanks to:
Leonard Rosenthol, Marshall Clow, and Stephan Somogyi for DropShell 2.0.
MultiMusicMovieMaker is released as freeware. You are encouraged to make copies of MultiMusicMovieMaker and distribute to anybody through electronic services or on disks, provided you also copy the associated documentation.
My other QuickTime programs:
What is MovieTrilogy ?
MovieTrilogy is a trilogy in 5 parts consist of 5 QuickTime applications. It's shareware.
DeskTopTV is a QuickTime Video monitor/digitizer/subtitle maker. for AV class Macintosh.
DeskTopMovie is a MultiSpeed QuickTime Movie player/converter.
DeskTopText is a multi-window, styled colored text editor that create text movie track.
ScreenMovie is a Quicktime monitor screen recorder. Can record MIDI and audio at the same time.
QuickMovie is a MIDI aware Quicktime movie Editor/Player.
Together you can do video subtitling on AV class Macintosh.
Add title/subtitle to your QuickTime Movie.
Make QuickTime scrolling text movie.
Play Text to Speech on text movie.
Record Video, Monitor screen, Audio and MIDI.
Add full screen background picture to your QT movie.
A lot more...
This file is created by DesktopText (including the icon).
MovieTrilogy support any Macintosh that support QuickTime.
Some features in DesktopTV required video digitizer (vdig).
Some features in QuickMovie required QuickTime 2.0.
You can get the rest of MovieTrilogy from sumex or umich.
You can get version 1.1.1 of DesktopTV, DesktopMovie and DesktopText in the archive: